After all is said and done, and after all the hype surrounding the movie, at the end of the day Jake need to go see Django Unchained. Not to support that devil Tarrantino or that weirdo Jamie Foxx, but for the fact that the movie will wake up that sleeping spirit that rests inside of us so-called African Americans. Jake has been living easy for a long time now and need to remember that we still dwell among our enemies. Deuteronomy 28:68 applies to us all as long as we are living in Esau's kingdom. We got soft and comfortable - there's no other way to put it. The internet, Cable TV, NBA, NFL, MLB, Love and Hip Hop, Housewives (any damn state), Xbox, BET, and on and on. You pick a distraction and Jake is caught up in it. But here comes a movie that reminds "niggers" just where they're coming from. And guess what; you don't have to research, go look up, and do anything like work. All you have to do is sit, watch, and remember.
Before we begin let's pay attention to who is bankrolling this movie. The Weinstein brothers, who formally owned Miramax, and after back door deals sold and bought back the company funded this venture. These so-called Jews don't give a damn about us, its all about money and politics with them so we can't forget that. Please remember that the movie is coming after the reelection of that Hamitic monkey and when race relations are at an all time low. This is no coincidence. The movie, as violent as it is, was made that way to stir up the masses and ferment more hatred between the two nations (Genesis 25:25) and to push the coming race war (Mathew 24:7). Esau is a slippery serpent and uses different tactics to get his agenda accomplished. Praise YAHAWAH bahasham Yahawahshi because they are just pawns being used to fulfill prophecy. Tarrantino's big hit before this was a propaganda piece of work entitled "Inglorious Basterds". Brothers and sisters best believe the government is in bed with Holly-weird to push certain movies that have deeper meaning than what appears at first glance. Take the movie "Argo" for example. That was produced to make the CIA and America look good and Iran look bad - propaganda. Another one is "Zero Dark Thirty" about the supposed killing of Bin-Laden (yeah right). But let's stay on Django. Spike Lee would never get the green light to make a movie like that, but that cracker did! Believe me ahchyam that shows you that no matter how we think we've made it in Esau's kingdom we are still considered slaves to him.
The movie itself takes place in Amerikkka before the civil war and gives a slice of what slavery would've been like. Unlike Roots, Amistad, and other movies who make the white man out to be cruel but yet noble and wanting to abolish slavery, this movie shows them for what they really are; the damn devil - plain and simple. White people get offended at the amount of times the word "nigger" was used in the movie but as we all know it was as common as apple pie to call us niggers, boy, sambo, coon, and other names. The movie hit it right on target (again why throughout all the years of cinema that it is only now in 2013 a raw movie like this comes out). My only problem was that it didn't get more graphic and show pregnant black women getting strung up and their bellies slit open and the white man stomping the baby as it fell to the ground. And how can we forget about little black children being used as alligator bait, or Jake getting castrated and his penis and nuts placed in a glass jar on a counter at the local store. I guess that would be asking for too much huh? Check out without sanctuary to see more horrific crimes that the white man must pay for. (Revelation 13:10).
Anyway the movie in a nut shell is about Django (Jamie Foxx) who is a slave that was set free by a German bounty hunter in order to help him kill some wanted men. In return for his help Django asks that the bounty hunter help him rescue his wife Broom Hilda (played by Kerri Washington) from a sick sadistic plantation owner played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Along the way a whole bunch of devils get killed. Sometimes the graphic killings are over the top but damn it - its good to see a cracker die by the hands of Jake (even if its only fiction). We all know that soon and very soon that Django is going to be a real live nightmare for all white people and the other nations who had a hand in slavery. (Isaiah 14:2). Another thing that I liked about the movie was that Tarrantino really did his homework on the history of slavery as shown by the real life similarities of our affliction and pain.
Overall Jake should go see the movie not for its artistic integrity, plot, special effects, acting, script, or any of that bullshit. Jake should make it their business to see it as a reminder that we are still in Egypt all over again. Shalawam.
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