By now if you've been following the Christopher Dorner story you know that the brother died Tuesday 2/12, in a cabin in the Big Bear Lake area of San Bernadino, California. We hope that the brother went to the spirit world knowing that he sparked a bigger fire in people's minds than the one PURPOSELY SET by the bitch-ass police. Think back to WACO, TX as you read this and you will see the obvious trend that the government is following.
If Jake doesn't wake up to the bullshit that esau has, and continue to perpetrate, then they deserve what's coming next (Hosea 4:6). For a brief minute I thought that maybe, just maybe, jake would look deeper into the Dorner story to see that there is much more to it than a black man who lost his job and then"lost it". The only judge will be time. At least we know that the LAPD will always be the lying, slime bucket, low-life, pieces of shit that they always were from day one. Why all the lies????? He's dead, he's not dead, his body wasn't found, he made a call from his cell phone in the middle of a shoot-out, his bulletproof/waterproof/fireproof wallet was found at the scene, and on and on. It's pathetic is what it is! But the ultimate lie is that they didn't start the fire. Yeah right - you be the judge ahchyam, even though you all ready know the answer. Let's not forget about the drones used in this operation and coming to a "hood" near you. When the Lord decide to cut off 2/3rds of our people throughout the land, it's going to make Katrina look like a picnic (or pick-a-nigga), literally. For the ones who want to survive, put your faith in YAHAWAH bahasham Yahawashi. Shalam. (Psalms 27:5).
Priest Zaab
Crakkkers yelling "burn that motherfucker down."
Priest Zaab
Crakkkers yelling "burn that motherfucker down."