In his manifesto he reveals such truths as "How do you know when a police officer is lying??? When he begins his sentence with, “based on my experience and training”. Dorner goes on to blow the roof off the common practice of letting victims die and "bleed out" to get overtime money. Now we know why them crakkkers refused to call an ambulance for Oscar Grant and any other so-called black or Latinos. They are left to die on the ground while them wicked overseers, I mean officers watch as they take their last breath..smfh. He warns people to not get involved because the same officers wouldn't lift a finger to help you or your family - and he's so right. He tells of the so-called Latino officers beating and calling their own people "wetbacks" just to get approval of white officers. The truth of the matter is that since the Rodney King incident the LAPD has gotten worse than before, if that was even possible. How the hell one of the officers involved in the King beating gets promoted to become a Captain??? That's what our people get for putting their trust in man and turning from The Most High and His son.
As you read the brother's statements you get the feeling he was clearly too involved in esau's ideology (support on gun ban, and other bullshit) and became disillusioned when he finally saw the beast for what he really is - a filthy, stinking, beast. Nonetheless his hatred is pure (Ecclesiastes 7:7) and it took him getting fired to see the light. How much more will it take to reach the average Jake on the streets of Baltimore, Newark, Detroit, Chicago, New York, and so on. This brother had some type of training the rest of you 2/3rds know nothing. You are useless eaters to the elite and will be slaughtered like goats, and cows on old McDonald's farm. The Most High used Christopher Dorner by putting a spirit of vengeance on him and sending him out into the world to kill as many crackers and uncle Tom's as he can. What should we learn from this??? Many things; for one, if you are in the truth the works of The Most High being manifested should strengthen your faith. Secondly, if you are just waking up to the truth then this should be a stamp of approval that there is no going back to the world. (Yahawahshi himself didn't pray for the entire world - John 17:9). Esau is going down and there is nothing anybody can do to save him or his society. To all the people who are in LA and suffered at the hands of the wicked police - rejoice. The Lord put a spirit on that man as a prelude of what is to shortly come. Shalawam ahchyam.
Priest Zaab
By the way,
Take the time to read the manifesto as there are many truths revealed in it and is too lengthy to post for our people's ADD minds.
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