As is commanded of us (Leviticus 23:5, Numbers 9:1-5) We must rehearse the righteous acts and keep the Passover (Exodus 12). To remember how The Most High in the name of Christ delivered us from our oppressors out of the land of Egypt. In these modern times Amerikkka or Under Satan's Authority, is the new Egypt, which is synonymous with bondage. And just as the days of our forefathers so shall it be when Yahawahshi makes His return to deliver us. Through much bloodshed we entered into this land and through greater bloodshed will we make our exit. All we have to do is keep the commandments (John 14:15) to the best of our abilities and stay strong in our faith and know that The Most High won't leave us forever in our low state.

So brothers and sisters if you are able to make it; come and celebrate The Lord's passover with us...if not then keep it with your family or by your self. This year it falls on April 12th, 2014 sundown for the service and supper. And then the Feast of Unleavened Bread follows for seven more days after that. Remember brothers and sisters it is a solemn feast to reflect on our suffering and soon to be salvation. Barak atha YHWH wa Yahawahshi shalawam.
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